Proper 11B, July 22 2012
Rev. Kate Ekrem
"For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups
into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between
us.” That’s from our letter to the Ephesians this morning. And our Gospel says
Jesus had compassion on the crowd because they were like sheep without a
I used to tell a story about the Good Shepherd
to Sunday school children using felt, I still have the felt pieces in my
office. There is felt green pasture and
felt still water and also a felt sheepfold, brown strips of felt. Part of the
story is to set them up like a fence or wall around the sheep, and to show that
the sheepfold has an inside, and an outside, and a DOOR, and then you show how
the door can be opened.
The church has walls. But Jesus
has broken down a wall