Easter 2013
For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under
his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
--(1Cor 15:25-26)
One of the interesting things I get to do is to go
behind-the-scenes, so to speak, in our local funeral home. I really enjoy all
the guys who work over there, and I
notice how much they kind of try to shield the loved ones of someone who’s died
from the nitty gritty details. For example, sometimes I’ll do a service for a
family without a church home over at the funeral home, and typically it’s an
open casket, and the person has been made to look so nice and there might be
sentimental objects placed in their hands or what have you. After the service
they’ll shoo all the family out of the room and very matter-of-factly close the
casket, a process that has a few steps. The first thing they do is crank down
the pillow that’s keeping the dead person’s head elevated, the put a little
crank into the casket, and wind down the thing so the person’s lying flat. Then
they take the little blanket that’s tucked around the person and pull it over
their face, and then they close the lid. I don’t mind telling you the first
time I saw them do that I was pretty freaked out. It really