Advent 3 December 16, 2012
Sermon by the Rev. Kate Ekrem for Church of Our Redeemer
Text: Luke 3:7-18
I was going to start this sermon with a joke. But I’m not
feeling particularly jokey right now. The church in Connecticut where I was a young
acolyte and went on youth group ski trips is preparing for two funerals for
six-year-old children this week. Instead,
I’m thinking maybe John the Baptist had a point when he shouted, “you brood of
vipers!” at the political and religious leaders of his day, asking them, how
could you let our society, our world, get like this? How could we let our world
get like this? And I’m reminding myself that while this tragedy cuts very close
to home – Newtown is a town very much like Lexington – that tragedies